Sunday, July 26, 2009

ND State Fair Parade

We (myself, Grandpa Johnson and Grandma Johnson) took all of the kids to the parade on Saturday. It was a perfect day out for a parade, the sun was shining, the temperature was just right and just enough breeze to be comfortable.

Here are the kids before the parade. Have I mentioned how hard it is to get everyone looking at the camera? (Left to right: Aleah, Bryce, Cayley and Cayden)

At the beginning of the parade the flags are presented. I showed Cayden how to stand and hold his hat over his heart. It only took my telling him about this once, and he did it every time he saw a flag. This particular picture was taken towards the end of the parade.

Here is Cayden out trying to get some candy. He came up with a bag full! Some kides were standing half-way out into the street waiting for candy and others walked right up to the floats like they were trick-or-treating. Poor Cayden has a bad mean mommy that made him stay close until the candy was thrown. Then he could go out and get the candy (as long as he kept an eye on upcoming floats). He is in the red hat.

Figure Skating Float: To those who read this and don't know, I am coaching figure skating lessons and am involved with our skating club. So the only float that I took pictures of was the skating float. I was so busy taking pictures I almost forgot to actually look at it. They did a very nice job with it! (Cayden helped with the decorating by stuffing some tissue paper into the skate)