While in Billings for a wedding, we stayed with my cousins Kelly and John. They have some fun "toys" that they shared with our children, like...
Safety First!!! Helmet, CHECK!
Cousin Alex helping Cayden with his helmet |
How much can a 6 year old learn in a 2 minute lesson??? He was very attentive!
Cousin John (Alex's dad) and Cousin Alex giving a quick driving lesson |
Nothing is better than a little hands on experience, with the help of an older cousin.
Cousin Alex is taking Cayden for a spin around the yard. |
Time for mom to have a slight anxiety attack. Her "baby" off driving by himself...
Cayden |
And the li'l kids were not to be forgotten...
Cayley and Daddy |
Bryce and Daddy. Don't let him face fool you, Bryce had fun! |
Aleah and Daddy |
And if you are wondering... Yes, Daddy went slowly, probably because this mom was out watching and was a nervous wreck!